martes, 7 de octubre de 2008

Keep Edgar and Cony

in our prayers. Edgar pictured here in the middle is expecting twins (ok his wife Cony is) very soon. The babies continue to be healthy. As you can imagine, she is ready and thought they might come the end of last month. Pray for health, patience, sleep, money for the many expenses, and if you are a parent I'm sure you can add to this list of prayers. They have 2 girls ages 3 and 4. The twins they are expecting are girls too. Wow. Thanks for your prayers.

2 comentarios:

the ewings dijo...

Any news yet??? I'm sure Cony is soooo ready for these girls to come. Praying.

cath dijo...

Really I'm not sure when her due date is because she says she isn't late yet. Guess my hearing of dates in Spanish is still lacking. I'm guessing she is due in November instead of October. Quien sabe? Who knows.