lunes, 7 de febrero de 2011

Fasting for a purpose.......

This past January I took some time to fast to see what God's purpose in my life was. To ask him what He wanted me to pursue and use my time doing and serving Him. You see, Meme's Rio is at a crossroads as it looks like sometime this year the government has plans on moving the people there. Since the Hurricane that occurred last July, the government has seen the grave danger that the people are in who live along these river beds and they are making efforts to build new housing for them and transfer them to safer places. Like many thing that the government has done, timing has been hard to pin down. Last August we thought they would move by the end of the year. Now we hear news of maybe June or August. Truly we don't know. In the meantime we have seen the government aiding these people with school fee money, gift cards for them to buy household items from couches to TVs,etc. With these new provisions, we are seeing that people have been less interested in seeking God and the attendance to the soup kitchen has been down. Gratefully God is moving a local pastor to provide some much needed teaching in the soup kitchen mid week and those who are still hungry for the Word of God are still being fed. The soup kitchen has been on hold as we thought the people were moving in December and we took some time off to seek the Lord's leading and give Meme a much needed break to renew her spirit and seek spiritual teaching and prayer. God is great as He has provided a mentor for Meme that meets with her weekly. She is also helping to teach and guide some women who have started another soup kitchen in a near by community. Meme continues to have a passion to serve this way and we are seeing it revitalized. As we seek Back2Back's continued involvement with Rio 1 would join us in prayer? Would you pray for the Lord's leading on if we continue to work with the people in this community? And if so how? We trust the Lord has plans and we are just awaiting His guidance in this. We will continue to support Milagros through her beauty schooling and work with the support others might have given for other children in this area. In the meantime, the kids in this community are still hungry for the Word of God. Hope, another B2B staff and teacher, has faithfully continued a weekly activity teaching these kids.
Back to the result of my fasting, as difficult as it is, I have felt the Lord leading me to have a more supportive role of my husband's work with Manantial de Amor Children's Home and their three locations. I have also felt called to be with my children more as they are growing so very fast. Greg and I working in separate ministries has sometimes had them fending for themselves. God has renewed my call to our three boys in training and loving them into the men God is calling them to be. By no means does this mean I won't be going to the Rio. It just won't be my target area at this time. Hope continues in ministry there and I will support my friends and second family at Rio 1 as the Lord leads me. Clearly I will still support, pray and share life with my dear friend Meme as well.
I have since September been praying weekly with Cony Garza (Edgar and Cony are the directors of MdA)once a week. I have helped Greg with the girls house that MdA has as one of their three homes. I will continue to help in these areas and pray to be more of a presence to help Greg who has a lot on his plate right now.
We would appreciate all your prayers for the future at Rio 1, the continued teaching and refreshing time for Meme, for a clear calling to where and how God wants B2B to serve in this areas or others. Thank you.

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