domingo, 26 de abril de 2009

How quick was that.....

Just last Thursday, April 16th, Greg and I were praying with Edgar and Cony asking God to show us how He was going to provide insurance and other financial needs that they had. Just a little over a week later God brings the James Fund leaders to visit their home. About a month or two ago they were contacting us asking how Edgar and Cony were making ends meet. They wanted to know if he worked a second job. We said no, but were sure why they asked. God has already at work in their minds and hearts to provide more for their family. Just today they committed to providing over what they need to have insurance for their family, diapers, milk, etc. God is so good. As Cony was humbling sharing their needs I couldn't help but smile as Greg and I had experienced God's provisions in similar humbling way. God is so good like that. Praise His Name with us today, will you.

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