martes, 11 de noviembre de 2008

Praise God for how he provides

Inside of the old pick up.
The old pick up with the name of the children's home on the side
5The almost new 15 passenger van.

Here is the picture of the new van that God provided the children at Rayitos de Luz. These precious kids were riding in an old beat up pick up truck. All 12-15 of them were smooshed in back. Not a bit safe. God, through many of you, provided not just for a better vehicle but the best. This van is 1 year old. It was a rental so it has some mileage on it, however its in great condition. The inside is nice but kid friendly. Praise God for how he is carrying for these kids. Now Esteban and Puri can ride knowing their children are safe.

2 comentarios:

Rich Cary dijo...

What a blessing! Thanks for sharing the pictures.

the ewings dijo...

That is so awesome. I am so glad that need has been met.