jueves, 18 de octubre de 2007

God is Lord of all.....

Went to a Mexican/American wedding last weekend. It was absolutely beautiful. Greg and I were asked to stand up and give the rings to our friends Jim and Betty. There are so many neat ways Mexicans celebrate. They have people who show their support for them by purchasing things that have significant meanings. For example, there are people who purchase a Bible (the word of God that plays such an important role for the couple to live their lives and raise their children), their wedding rings (signifies the never ending love and commitment they made that day),and a box of coins (signifying the husbands role of supporting the family). We didn't purchase the rings however those that did were unable to attend the wedding. We were blessed to be asked to take their place. We attended the rehearsal dinner. We had special pictures taken with the bride and groom. We walked down the aisle at the beginning of the ceremony. We went up front and stood with the bride and groom as they received their rings. Standing there in their wedding and experiencing such a blessing to have a close relationship for them for that day, I realized what Greg and I were experiencing that day was what we have in Christ. Christ paid the price for our sins so that we can experience the joys of the wedding of Christ and his Church. I realize the analogy is weak and really nothing can compare to the price Christ paid for my life but our experience this weekend gave me a deeper appreciation for Christ and how much He loves us.

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