Sleeping in Getting up early
ice cream sundae Food that is good for me
staying home Getting out to visit a neighbor
keeping to myself Sharing life with others
Not sharing what I'm struggling with Going to a respected person and asking for prayer
avoiding pain Trusting God will see me through and that I will grow
doing only things I'm good at Trusting God will give me strength for
anything He calls me to do
God is teaching me more and more that comfort is over rated. It is. It seems good. But it leaves me out of so many growing moments that the Lord has for me. It leaves me flabby when He wants me to exercise. Sure it can hurt. A good exercise causes small micro tears in our muscles that must exist for your muscles to heal and grow stronger. (that's my Occupational Therapy background coming out). So recently I'm seek God to help me know what to do and not. I'm not relying on my "want to's or don't want to's". Cause with my judgement, I just end up flabby. I don't want that, do you?