Last week I found myself going to a children's home and God put it on my heart to ask Alonna to come with me. Alonna is 11 and just moved here with her family from North Carolina. I was impressed with how quickly she spoke the spanish she knew. First we helped one girl with her math multiplication table, then we moved to playing with the little ones. Bubbles, swings, games. We had a lot of fun. As I thought about our time I realized one general truth.........
"Ministry is so much more fun with someone else." I used to be afraid of doing ministry with others. I think its because I put way too much pressure on myself to "know it all" or have all the right answers or make sure I was not showing my weaknesses. Recently God has taught me alot about sharing ministry experiences with sometimes finding myself learning from others and sometimes God using me to teach others. I have been reading a lot about the early church these days and how Paul always seemed to have someone with him or send others to the places he had been. I am learning how God wants to use us all together to do His work. All the parts coming together to work towards the common goal of bringing others to Him and glorfying Him.
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