Recently I've been faced with plans for the summer. Found myself getting caught up in worry,,,,,will groups come this summer,,,,, will the news make Monterrey sound bad when really things are fine,,,,,,,will we have enough money,,,,,,will we have the groups of people that is required to do what God is calling us to do......will we have to do things differently? If so how will we do things differently?
On and on my worries were beginning to build up. Today four of us met to pray. It rained a little last night (that is a blessing, in the back of my head I was thinking the news will talk of a drought soon). We took this time this morning just to praise God. We sang to the song in the background. I walked while worshiping as I was extra tired this morning almost not getting out of bed. As I worshipped I felt like God was giving me an imagine that there I was singing, tiny me at his Big toe. Here is God big as can be and I'm seeing only his toe. God was telling me you worship me but only know a small portion of me. As I worshipped more and more I was struck with my lack of faith. I am worried that God's name wouldn't be glorified because of my actions. Why wouldn't I then give my plans, my concern, my time, my fears to the Lord. Surely He's goal is to be glorified. I am faced with my lack of trust and failure to believe. 1 Peter 5:6-7