When we first came to Mexico, I found myself adjusting quickly. I loved the food, the weather, the mountains. The people were friendly the language seemed great even though I didn't understand it. From the get go I found myself too comfortable with Spanish. Within the first week I found myself having to tell Todd, our director, that our dryer wasn't working. I don't like to be needy and definitely not so soon. And yet, the dryer was spinning our clothes but the heat wasn't working. You see, I looked at the knobs and the words and saw there were two options. Alto calor and Sin calor. I had noticed the stop signs driving around Monterrey that said alto. So I knew that meant stop and calor was heat. So I reasoned that meant stop heat so I figured I wanted the other one that didn't stop the heat. From what I understood that made sense to me. So much so that I reported our dryer broken to Todd. Well, all of you non Spanish speakers out there, alto can also mean high. So that knob was for high heat. The one I was using said sin calor which means without heat. So I really was just spinning my clothes all day long for days before I reported my problem and Todd stood in our laundry room and gave me my first Spanish lesson. This reminds me of Proverbs 3:5-6
"Trust the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all you do, acknowledge Him and He will straight your path."
In my life I often trust in my knowledge, thinking I know what is best. It seems logical or reasonable however sometimes I am working on the wrong knowledge or perhaps I don't have all the facts. Isn't great that we can trust on the Lord who does have that knowledge. Just like spinning my clothes for a couple of days was frustrating so is living trusting in my knowledge when I can trust God who knows and loves me. I am praying that I will trust in Him will you pray this with me.
Tomorrow a few of us women are going to Manantial de Amor. We are serving taco salads and sugar cookies. Hoping to play a few games and continue to establish relationships with the girls there. I also pray that we can set up a time to relief the directors and give them a break. I hope to have pictures and stories for you after tomorrow.